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The following example variables are used, and should be replaced with your actual URLS.

  • (The url of your Komodo instance.)
  • (The url of your Pocket ID instance.)

Pocket ID Setup

  1. In Pocket-ID create a new OIDC Client, name it i.e. Komodo.
  2. Set a logo for this OIDC Client if you would like too.
  3. Set the callback URL to:
  4. Copy the Client ID, and Client Secret for use in the next steps.

Komodo Setup

This example uses the docker-compose deployment type of komodo See the Official Docs for more information.

Add the following lines to your komodo .env file replacing the values with the ones you copied above:

KOMODO_OIDC_CLIENT_ID=<your client id from above>
KOMODO_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET=<your client id from above>
## Make usernames the full email.

Save and redeploy komodo and you should be able to login using OIDC with Pocket ID.