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Pocket ID Setup

  1. In Pocket-ID create a new OIDC Client, name it i.e. Grist
  2. Set the callback url to: https://<Grist Host>/oauth2/callback
  3. In Grist (Docker/Docker Compose/etc), set these environment variables:
GRIST_OIDC_IDP_ISSUER="https://<Pocket ID Host>/.well-known/openid-configuration"
GRIST_OIDC_IDP_CLIENT_ID="<Client ID from the OIDC Client created in Pocket ID>"
GRIST_OIDC_IDP_CLIENT_SECRET="<Client Secret from the OIDC Client created in Pocket ID>"
GRIST_OIDC_SP_HOST="https://<Grist Host>"
GRIST_OIDC_IDP_SCOPES="openid email profile" # Default
GRIST_OIDC_IDP_SKIP_END_SESSION_ENDPOINT=true # Default=false, needs to be true for Pocket Id b/c end_session_endpoint is not implemented
GRIST_OIDC_IDP_END_SESSION_ENDPOINT="https://<Pocket ID Host>/api/webauthn/logout" # Only set this if GRIST_OIDC_IDP_SKIP_END_SESSION_ENDPOINT=false and you need to define a custom endpoint
  1. Also ensure that the GRIST_DEFAULT_EMAIL env variable is set to the same email address as your user profile within Pocket ID
  2. Start/Restart Grist