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Pocket ID Setup

  1. In Pocket ID, create a new OIDC client named Gitea (or any name you prefer).
  2. (Optional) Set a logo for the OIDC client.
  3. Set the callback URL to: https://<Gitea Host>/user/oauth2/PocketID/callback
  4. Copy the Client ID, Client Secret, and OIDC Discovery URL for the next steps.

Gitea Setup

  1. Log in to Gitea as an admin.
  2. Go to Site Administration → Identity & Access → Authentication Sources.
  3. Click Add Authentication Source.
  4. Set Authentication Type to OAuth2.
  5. Set Authentication Name to PocketID.

    If you change this name, update the callback URL in Pocket ID to match.

  6. Set OAuth2 Provider to OpenID Connect.
  7. Enter the Client ID into the Client ID (Key) field.
  8. Enter the Client Secret into the Client Secret field.
  9. Enter the OIDC Discovery URL into the OpenID Connect Auto Discovery URL field.
  10. Enable Skip local 2FA.
  11. Set Additional Scopes to openid email profile.
  12. Save the settings and test the OAuth login.